1st post!
Monday 30 January 2017 @ January 30, 2017

Hi everyone! I'm back from hiatus (lol no actually I don't know what to write, precisely) 

How's your day? I hope it is fine.. My day is just fine. A lot of things happened these days and yes i did enjoy it! Hehe. 

I'm seriously feel weird to write in blog again from several months' break. And I actually don't have a point to write so I am just gonna wrestling my keyboard with anything that appear in my mind. It's gonna be a lil boring. "Of course is it!" Hahah.

Okay. Lets talk about 2017! Oh yea, happy new year everyone. Have a good one💕 guess what? This year, I'm gonna sit for SPM!!!! *scream inside* lol yet I still not change anything (u know what I actually mean right?) Just by thinking about it, my mind start doing its work😂

I massively respect those who can manage their time wisely for their study and entertainment (share la sikit pls, I really need a formulae for that😂) ok sorry I'm being a maniac today.

Seriously....I'm writing this post at 12.41 a.m. so thats why.

Ok back to the topic. I want to share a story. A good one. My addmath's teacher told ne that if you want to achieve good result for addmath & math, you should at least solving 10 questions a day. I repeat AT LEAST. Seriously guys. These math and addmath kita tak boleh tinggal. If we tinggal then our brain will slowly taking its time to rest. To give you an example, if we stop our body from doing any exercise even a light one, we will feel weak so addmath and maths are for our everyday brain exercise. Take note okay📌

Our prophet, Muhammad SAW once said that "menuntut ilmu biar sampai ke negeri China". Actually, it means that (to speak on behalf of Malay) we should learn from Chinese. The way they struggle to achieve victorious. Look at our country, what race is on top now? Chinese. I mean, think, who own almost all factories? Chinese. Who own big houses? Almost chinese. And who own cybercafes? Almost malay. Yet we still questioning why chinese and indians are leading now. The question is actually for ourselves. Do ask yourself.

I'm not racist but as a malay, I want to gather all malays to stand as one and sketch history by the name, by the race of Malay. It might be hard for us but do dream big because nothing is impossible. 

To be back on 'track', do your best for your education. As for me, I'm gonna kill my sweat off to pass the SPM with flying colours. Insha Allah👌 

Alright, I think thats all for now. I have to pen off now. It's 1.17 in morning.. not good for your health🙅 sorry for the messy write up bc I really don't have the point to write here. I'm here just to cut off my boredom. Lol. Hahahahah.

See you in my next post!💕

